Contact Us
Seven Oak Middle School
Serving Grades 6 - 8
550 Cascade Dr.
Lebanon, OR 97355
Phone: 541-451-8416
Fax: 541-451-8431
Stay Informed
Parents & Caregivers: We encourage you to download the ParentSquare app. All school information--from routine events to emergencies and closures--goes out on that system. All parents/guardians receive this information automatically; however, the app allows for two-way communication with your school and district. Find out more on our ParentSquare page.
Community Members: Major school emergencies, closures, and other operational information is reported first via ParentSquare and then, when possible, via FlashAlert Messenger. This free app allows you to subscribe to LCSD and receive notifications when we post urgent information to the media. Click here to subscribe.